Course Description

Everyone knows that a clear American accent is important in the world of IT.

Clear communication is critical if you want to improve your earnings, get access to new opportunities and gain respect in the workplace.

Communicate more clearly using our short and concise lessons that focus on the words and phrases you use every day.

What am I going to get from this course?

In the American Accent for IT Professionals course you get access to the lessons that have worked most effectively with the IT professionals who have completed my coaching program.

  • You'll learn to pronounce 180+ Information Technology terms clearly & correctly
  • You'll learn to pronounce IT industry sentences with a clear & engaging pace
  • You'll learn exactly how recognized American IT leaders speak with clarity & influence
  • You'll learn rules & patterns for speech that helps Americans understand you better
  • You'll learn to pronounce action terms used in the IT workplace
  • You'll learn to pronounce abbreviations and brand names most used in the IT industry

Who is this course for?

The American Accent for IT Professionals course is designed for:
  • software developers
  • software engineers
  • enterprise architects
  • IT consultants
who work in North America or with North American companies.

American Accent Specialist

Susan Ryan

Susan Ryan is an American accent specialist and communication coach at She is the author of the American Accent Fundamentals iBook and creator of the American Accent for IT Professionals course on Udemy. Since 2007, she has helped hundreds of highly skilled foreign professionals speak American English clearly and confidently. Susan looks forward to teaching, guiding and partnering with you in achieving your communication goals.

Course curriculum

  • 2

    How to Make Yourself Understood

    • 1.1 Module overview

    • 1.2 How to Pronounce IT Words the American Way

    • 1.3 Terminology Used by IT Professionals 1

    • 1.4 The Most Common Sound in American English (and you've never heard of it)

    • 1.5 Creating Contrast

    • Section downloads

  • 3

    Notable Non Native Speaker Vic Gundotra

    • 2.1 Case Study: Vic Gundotra Venture Capitalist

    • 2.2 Quiz for modules 1 & 2

    • Section download

  • 4

    Key Patterns for Pronouncing IT Words Clearly

    • 3.1 Module overview

    • 3.2 Challenging Words for IT Professionals 2

    • 3.3 Action Words for IT Professionals

    • Section downloads

  • 5

    Shifting Syllable Stress Exercises

    • Shifting Syllable Stress and Schwa

  • 6

    More Patterns for Pronouncing IT Words Clearly

    • 5.1 Module overview

    • 5.2 How to pronounce leadership, prototype, network, timeline (and more)

    • 5.3 How to pronounce DBA, CTO, HTML & EDI (and more)

  • 7

    Notable Speaker Steve Jobs

    • 6.1 Case Study: Steve Jobs

    • 6.2 Quiz for module 5

    • Section download

  • 8

    Pronouncing IT Words Clearly in Sentences

    • 7.1 Module overview

    • 7.2 How to pronounce engineer, ideas, R&D (and more)

    • 7.3 How to pronounce administrator, integrate, innovative (and more)

    • Section downloads

  • 9

    Notable Non Native Speaker Ruchi Sanghvi

    • 8.1 Case Study: Ruchi Sanghvi from Facebook & Dropbox

    • 8.1 Quiz for modules 7 & 8

    • Section download

  • 10

    Improve Your Speaking Pace in the IT Workplace

    • 9.1 Module overview

    • 9.2 Improve Your Speaking Pace with Pauses & Intonation

    • 9.3 How to pronounce maintenance, beta, database (and more)

    • 9.4 How to pronounce agenda, develop, enterprise (and more)

    • Session downloads

  • 11

    Notable Non Native Speaker Vic Gundotra

    • 10.1 Case Study Vic Gundotra Speaks with the Perfect Pace

    • 10.2 Quiz for modules 9 & 10

    • Section download

  • 12

    Speaking Smoothly & Clearly in the IT Workplace

    • 11.1 Module overview

    • 11.2 How to pronounce patent, analysis, Apache (and more)

    • 11.3 How to pronounce alternatives, version, internal (and more)

    • 11.4 How to pronounce consultant, recovered, bugs (and more)

    • Session Downloads

  • 13

    Notable Speaker Larry Ellison

    • 12.1 Case Study: Larry Ellison Chairman at Oracle

    • 12.2 Quiz for modules 11 &12

    • Section download

  • 14

    Speaking with Greater Fluency in the IT Workplace

    • 13.1 Module overview

    • 13.2 How to pronounce technological, optimize, architect (and more)

    • 13.3 How to pronounce computer, approval, solution (and more)

    • 13.4 How to pronounce cookies, understood, good (and more)

    • Section download

  • 15

    Notable Non Native Speaker Kai Fu Lee

    • Case Study: Kai Fu Lee, Innovation Works Chairman & CEO

    • 14.2 Quiz for modules 13 &14

    • Section download

  • 16

    Speaking Like a Professional in the IT Workplace

    • 15.1 Module overview

    • 15.2 How to pronounce negotiate, programmer, component (and more)

    • 15.3 How to pronounce thousands, download, accountable (and more)

    • 15.4 How to pronounce Oracle, org chart, support (and more)

    • Section downloads

  • 17

    Notable Non Native Speaker Padmasree Warrior

    • 16.1 Case Study: Padmasree Warrior Former CTO Cisco & Motorola

    • 16.2 Quiz for modules 15 &16

  • 18

    Challenging Consonant Sounds for IT Professionals & Quiz 9

    • 17.1 Module overview

    • 17.2 The /w/ Sound for IT Professionals

    • 17.3 The American Th Sounds for IT Professionals

    • 17.4 Quiz for module 17

    • Section downloads

  • 19

    Pronouncing Numbers for IT Professionals & Quiz 10

    • 18.1 Module overview

    • 18.2 Pronouncing Numbers for IT Professionals

    • 18.3 Quiz for module 18

    • Section download

  • 20

    Speaking Like a Native in the IT Workplace

    • 19.1 Module overview

    • 19.2 How to pronounce environment, devices, design (and more)

    • 19.3 How to pronounce deployment, appointment, employ (and more)

    • 19.4 How to pronounce IT product names correctly

    • Section downloads

  • 21

    Notable Speaker Eric Schmidt

    • 20.1 Case Study: Eric Schmidt

    • 20.2 Quiz for modules 19 & 20

    • Section download

  • 22

    Bonus Video Case Study Vic Gundotra

    • Notable non native speaker Vic Gundotra

    • Section download

  • 23

    American Accent for IT Professionals Master List

    • American Accent for IT Professionals Master List

  • 24

    Strategies for Practice & Next Steps

    • Module overview

    • Five Strategies for Practice

    • Recommended Next Steps for IT Professionals

    • Additional Resources